Overview & ExamplesLeasing versus Buying Analysis Software - Reports

The following reports are for the Lease Analysis for the "Buy versus Lease" analysis.

The “Buy” reports are similar to the “Lease” reports.

The key report is the “Incremental Cash Flow” report where the “Buy Cash Flow” is subtracted from the “Lease Cash Flow” to establish the incremental cash flow and the financial advantages or disadvantages of buying compared to leasing.

The reports are for the following decision:

An organization is evaluating whether they should buy or lease their new “Super X” high volume color printer.

The sample set of key reports below are for the Lease Analysis. The Comparison Report and the Increment Cash Flow report compares “Buying” with “Leasing”

Reports & Graphs

Buy versus Lease Reports

Lease Reports

Note: There are many more reports available including monthly reports
